Pope Francis Received SDG Group Visit, Called for World Peace

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By General Manager MWEU/Coleman Liu

It was a special day in the morning of 29th Jun 2023, SDG group Founder Mr. Jerry Lin, accompanied by Ted Cheng, CEO Oversea Operations, Coleman Liu, General Manager Mean Well Europe and Mr. Matthew Lee, Ambassador of Taiwan to the Holy See, has met with Pope Francis under the Vatican sun. After this introduction, the meeting moved to the State office with vice secretary of the state to exchange the opinions of world development.

In a speech given by Father Gendron, Mr. Lin was touched by the greatness of Pope Francis in concept of “Fratelli tutti” and knee down to facilitate between leaders to avoid South Sudan civil war. Mr. Lin has published his inspirations on our SDG website (LINK) and in the same time, a wish was made to visit Vatican right after he received his master’s degree.

MEAN WELL Group has long been known as a company devoted on social responsibility, focusing on cultural continuation as well as charities to support people in their needs. As soon as Ambassador Lee to the Holy See heard of the plan of Mr. Lin to Vatican, he immediately facilitated made officials of Vatican aware of MEAN WELL’s social activities and support of 9 common goals of United Nation and the meeting plan was made.

In the morning of 29th June, Ambassador Lee guided the group to the Piazza San Pietro, Mr. Lin met and expressed “ Universal Harmony of the world” with handshakes to Pope Francis. After the meeting with Pope Francis, the group moved to the State building to meet with Archbishop/vice-secretary of state Mr. Peña Parra. The second meeting was focused in exchange of experiences of MEAN WELL’s SDG activities, also the charity activities of foundations held by The Holy See. Other than handing out the handshake statue prepared by Mr. Lin, an agreement to involve charities of The Holy See also reached.

One thing worth mentioning that 29th of June was The Feast of St Peter and St Paul (La Festa di San Pietro e Paolo) where Pope Francis held the grand mass in the Basilica of San Pietro. Mr. Lin and including our partner Mr. Massimo Tirapelle from Digimax were all invited to join the grand mass, directly receive the blessing of “Fratelli tutti“ from the Pope.

After the grand mass, Ambassador Lee took Mr. Lin to visit the “ 5 Loaves and 2 Fish Art Exhibition” hosted in the art gallery in the Ambassy and having lunch at residence of Ambassador Lee to perfectly ending the trip to The Vatican.