Greater China CEO / Alex Tsai

As of the settlement in 2023, the cumulative donation amount for the Market Development Fund's charity fund for China reached USD4.84M. The execution status of the charity funds is detailed below, and you can refer to the attached link for further information on the implementation status.

Company Organization Donation Amount (RMB) Date Attachment
廣州明緯 中山大學附屬仁濟醫院建設 12,000,000 2023/6/9 Link
蘇州明緯 蘇州市相城區黃埭鎮慈善會 23,000,000 2023/9/1 Link
綿陽緯翔 綿陽市慈善聯合總會 100,000 2024/3/18 Link
Total   35,100,000